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Your Magick Castle

– With Bernhard Reicher

A grand adventure into the imaginal awaits you as the fabulous Bernhard Reicher, founder and creator of Magieschule shares his Mytho Magical technique for personal illumination and transformation.

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Your Magickal Tour Guide

Bernhard Reicher, born into a spiritual family tradition, finds dealing with the supernatural to be a natural part of his heritage, spanning several generations.

Aiming to shift the perception of magic from its historically secretive and disreputable connotations, he endeavors to bring it into the light.

Through his magic school, Bernhard openly discusses and pragmatically explores the utilization of magical techniques, aiming to render them accessible and tangible.

Demonstrating a unique talent for presenting magic in a structured, understandable, and relatable manner, he empowers individuals to shape their lives independently and in alignment with their own desires and values.